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Science Olympiad is one of my favorite parts of teaching.  It is the ultimate tool to help generate science interest and science learning in students, much greater than any other curriculum or class I have seen.  Students regularly tell me they learn more about studying, science research, and critical thinking and problem solving skills than they ever do in any class. Even though it can be long hours after school, it is worth it to see the teamwork that is cultivated and the fun students have doing science. — Jeremy Long, Whiting High School

The most important benefit of Science Olympiad is the learning and camaraderie of like-minded students who work together to solve a problem, build a device, and are then rewarded for their efforts!

Exposure to science at a higher level!  Indiana Science Olympiad takes pride in the fact that all regional tournaments, the state tournament, and some invitational tournaments are held at higher education institutions.  Students competing in Science Olympiad in Indiana get the opportunity to interact with science faculty, researchers, engineers, post-docs, and graduate and undergraduate students.  In addition, many experts from government and industry volunteer to write and run competitions at Indiana tournaments including people from ArcelorMittal, Eli Lilly, Cook Medical, and Crane Surface Warfare Center just to name a few.

In addition to exploring college campuses and interacting with science experts, there are many, many benefits to joining Science Olympiad.  The National website has compiled a wonderful list of the benefits of Science Olympiad.  Please visit:

Science Olympiad is a great activity that promotes learning more about science and technology in your own time.  It also promotes creativity and hard work through many of the events.  Science Olympiad helped me to understand the value of studying and putting hard work in to everything that I do. –John Qualkenbush, Student